Relocating to a new city is more than just a change of address; it is a journey towards a new way of life. At Considering Austin, we understand this deeply. That is why we developed a unique six-step process to guide you through every aspect of evaluating and relocating to the Greater Austin Metropolitan Area. Our approach is not just comprehensive, it is personalized, ensuring your transition is not only smooth but fulfilling.

Essence of Our Process:

  • Discovery questions – confidence comes from having clarity around what matters and what is most important.
  • Personal relationship and consultations – a map is good but a knowledgeable, experienced guide who cares about you is better.
  • Custom plans and checklists – success comes from doing the right things, in the right order, at the right time.

Unlock the full potential of Considering Austin's integrated approach. Our unique six-step process seamlessly blends expertise across multiple domains: real estate buying, relocation consulting, construction management, negotiation, and financial advising. Delve into how our comprehensive and holistic care sets a new standard, making it clear why settling for anything less shortchanges you and your future.


1 - Life Inventory: Understanding Your Why

Relocation is a journey to a new life, and it should begin with understanding your 'why.' Our Life Inventory step is designed to help you think about your motivations, aspirations, concerns, opportunities, who all is affected by these decisions and everyone’s emotions.

Relocating is more than just a physical move; it is an opportunity to align your life closer to your dreams. However, it is also a complex process with potential pitfalls. Our goal is to help you navigate these complexities by answering four pivotal questions:

  • Is relocating the right choice?
  • Is Austin the best destination?
  • How do we make the process a grand adventure, something positive and memorable?
  • What can we do to ensure we thrive in your new home and community?

Most of us are so busy thinking about what we need to do today, this week, this month, that we rarely think in terms of years or decades. But we believe a life not lived intentionally will be less than it could be.

Through our Life Inventory Questionnaire™ and a personal consultation, we explore where you are in life and where you wish to be. This process helps in crystallizing your thoughts about what matters most and why it is important to you. It is a conversation about true wealth, which encompasses not just financial assets, but also experiences, traditions, family, health, and your support network. Clients often find this to be one of the most meaningful discussions they have had in years, setting a solid foundation for the journey ahead.


2 - Financial Clarity: The More You Know the Less You Worry

Step two of our unique process is about answering four important relocation questions:

  • How much will it cost?
  • How would relocating affect our checking account, i.e., our cash flow?
  • Short- and long-term, how would our savings and retirement accounts be affected?
  • If there is a positive financial benefit, is it worthwhile?

As a founding member and academic advisor of the National Institute of Financial Education®, I have seen firsthand the importance of knowing one’s financial numbers.

Our Financial Clarity Questionnaire™ and our Financial Clarity Conversation™ help families understand the financial implications of relocating. We discuss your concerns, help reality check your financial situation, and provide directions to align your goals and dreams with solid financial strategies.

Our clients also get free unlimited access to state-of-the-art financial planning software featured on Yahoo! Finance, MarketWatch, and Morningstar. Our ambition is not to replace or become your financial advisor, or to sell you on moving to Austin.

Steps One (Life Inventory) and Two (Financial Clarity) are about helping you think through the pros and cons of relocating to another city. If moving is in your best interest, financially, emotionally, and for your family, then we will help you design and execute a well-thought-out plan.

During this step, some people figure out moving is not financially necessary. Staying where they are is unlikely to jeopardize their future.

Others realize moving is not optional. Truth be told, they cannot afford where they live if they take future retirement needs and inflation into account. They should have done something about it already, but it is too much work for other personal reasons.

This step is something a lot of people want to skip, and we understand that. The conversation in their head sounds like, “I already know I don’t have enough money saved, so why would I want to know exactly how far behind I am?”

Thirty years of helping people make smart decisions around debt, real estate, and investing have taught us that fear and joy cannot coexist. Every time we help people get their arms around their finances and get moving in a positive direction, their peace of mind and confidence soar. This is what makes our work rewarding – it is why we exist.

There are a dozen famous quotes about the importance of planning, but the essence is this: if the numbers do not make sense, relocating may not be wise.


3 - Relocation Priorities: Tailoring Your Austin Experience

In step one, we started at the 30,000-foot level, asking what's important to me in life? Where do I want to go? In step two we dropped down to 10,000 feet and asked: Do the numbers make sense?  Step three is where the fun begins, where experience, imagination, and hope are front and center.

The three big questions are:

  • What do I have and like?
  • What do I want that I do not currently have?
  • What do I want to avoid?

What does your perfect neighborhood look like? What are your housing preferences? Our Relocation Priorities Questionnaire™ helps you clarify these preferences and non-negotiables. This step is about making sure that your next city, neighborhood, and home align with your lifestyle and support your dreams.

Everyone's preferences are unique – some may dream of a suburban home with a backyard where you get much more for your housing dollar. Others may want a big vibrant city experience with culture and nightlife close enough that driving a car is not necessary. Some people love Austin Texas’ weather, others think the summers are too hot or the winters are too cold. Our job is to help you find what you want within your budget.

We often get questions about politics, policy, and priorities. The thing that is amazing and unique about the two million population Greater Austin Area Metropolitan Area is how many preferences can be satisfied in an area that is less than an hour’s drive from downtown to the North, South, East, and West edge.

Roughly speaking, the liberal urban core has a population of one million people, and the surrounding suburbs tend to lean more conservative, also with a population of one million people. Few vibrant cities offer so much diversity in an area where good jobs are plentiful and easy to commute to.

The Relocation Priorities Questionnaire™ allows you to detail and rank your preferences, helping us create a tailored house shopping list for you. This step is also about family involvement. We encourage every family member to complete the questionnaire, fostering a sense of inclusion and buy-in, which is crucial during the initial adjustment period. Your answers here will guide us in showing you options that align with your priorities, ensuring that your future Discovery Trip to Austin is both enjoyable and productive.

When we relocated to Greater Austin, it became clear that we needed to decide how we were going to decide. I know that sounds funny, but it is a thing. And you will also find that however many members are in your family, that is how many opinions there will be. Our number one priority was to be in a specific school district. Number two was we wanted to back up to greenspace. When you get what you want, it is easier for a house to become a home.


4 - Discovery Trip: Experiencing Austin Firsthand

The Discovery Trip is where things get exciting. It is a chance to experience Austin.

The three big questions:

  • Can we find an area that fits our budget and satisfies our top priorities?
  • When we explored new neighborhoods, walked new home lots, toured model homes, did our soul sing?
  • When we fly out of Austin International Airport, back to our city, do we already miss Austin?

This step is about more than just house shopping and our services are far more comprehensive than a traditional Austin relocation Realtor®. Our Discovery Trip Questionnaire™ is the heart of helping craft a visit you will never forget. Based on conversations around your answers, we plan an efficient and enjoyable itinerary for you that includes homes for sale and new construction projects. And we can schedule visits to Austin, Texas attractions like Lake Travis, Zilker Park, local concerts, museums, resorts, etc., to make sure you get a taste of the area’s unique culture and hospitality.

Those with college-age or college-bound children often want to see Austin Texas University, more commonly known as UT. There are also many other highly ranked colleges and universities within a reasonable drive from downtown Austin.

The questionnaire includes hyperlinks to various Austin, Texas restaurants, downtown hotels, restaurants, and activities, allowing us to tailor your trip to your interests and which flights work best. A typical itinerary might include arriving on a Friday evening, spending Saturday exploring homes and neighborhoods, enjoying local dining, and sightseeing, and wrapping up with more house hunting on Sunday before your departure.

This trip is not just about efficiency; it is about making the process of finding your new home in Austin an enjoyable adventure. Without a plan, there is no way to fly to a foreign city and see all that you and your family want to see in the brief time you are there. Then you are faced with making big decisions with incomplete information or flying back out again.

Flying the whole family to Austin, renting a car, hotels, food, etc.; the cost and time is legit. If a service like Considering Austin existed when we relocated, we could have avoided several mistakes and reduced our five ‘discovery’ trips down to two or three. And we would have had more fun.


5 - Buy or Build: Making Your Dream Home a Reality

Step five is where things get serious. For most people, buying and financing a house is one of the biggest decisions they make. As an expert Austin relocation Realtor®, with a system and network that specializes in out-of-area relocations, our team is dedicated to guiding you through savvy decisions, significantly reducing the risk of costly errors. By making informed choices, you're not just securing a happy home but also laying a solid foundation for wealth building.

Important buy/build questions:

  • Which is better for us, new construction, or an existing home in an established neighborhood?
  • Who will represent us as we buy, build, or remodel?
  • How are we going to finance this?
  • How will we find trustworthy, proven companies who will help us?

Wisdom, experience, capability, and empathy are paramount at this stage.

This step involves comprehensive real estate buyer representation, guiding you through every aspect of the buying or building process. Whether it is negotiating purchase contracts, managing construction, or providing visual and real-time updates, we are here to ensure that this step is as seamless and stress-free as possible.

For new construction, we assist with mortgage preapproval, design center appointments, pre-construction meetings, and more. We understand that relocation often means managing these steps remotely, and we are equipped to represent our out-of-state clients effectively, ensuring that you are involved and informed every step of the way. Our construction progress videos are particularly popular, providing clients with regular updates and a sense of excitement as they see their new home taking shape.

When buying an existing home, timelines tend to be much shorter, making execution of a well-thought-out plan particularly important.

Relocation often means we are overseeing or attending certain meetings on behalf of our out-of-state clients and/or coordinating Face-time calls. In addition to all the technical steps, we always keep in mind there is an excited family who is eager to see their new home. Our progress videos are often the highlight of their week.


6 - Sell, Move, Thrive - The Beginning of Your Future Home

The last step, Sell, Move, Thrive, is about bringing your relocation journey to a successful conclusion.

This step involves detailed planning and execution, managing the complexities of selling your current home, executing your move, and settling into your new life in Austin. We provide you with comprehensive checklists and personal support to ensure that every aspect of this transition is managed effectively.

Our Sell checklist covers pre-sale planning, decluttering tips, steps to sell your home, and more. The Move checklist addresses the critical aspects of a successful move, and our Thrive checklist offers numerous tips and suggestions to help Austin feel like home sooner.

This step is about ensuring that your move is not just a change of address, but a step towards a more fulfilling life.


Summary: Your Partner in Relocation

Our unique six-step process is designed to ensure that every aspect of your move is considered and catered to - that is our Why. From financial planning to finding the perfect neighborhood, from exploring Austin to buying or building your dream home, we are with you every step of the way.

At Considering Austin, my team and I are more than great real estate agents. We are your partners in this significant life transition, and for years thereafter. Many of our past clients are now friends and some consider us to be like family. We love that. And you deserve to love where you live.

Our recommendations are always tailored to match your lifestyle and preferences, drawing on our extensive expertise in real estate and our personal experience in relocating to Austin. Let us guide you through this journey, making your move not just a change of address, but a step towards a life lived with intention and joy.

Ready to start your journey to Austin? Contact us for a complimentary consultation and subscribe to our newsletter for more insights on considering Austin as your next home.